Jennifer R Smith

Jennifer Smith Hello, my name is Jennifer Smith. I taught English Language Arts in Missouri for eleven years. For the last six years, I have been teaching seventh grade English Language Arts at a large school district in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am one of four core teachers who are trained and certified in the integration of content with language acquisition for Multiple Language Learners. I take great pride in being given the opportunity to work with an amazing group of teachers, and especially the inspiring students, who every day make me smile. Through my teaching of MLL’s, I have become very passionate about helping my students learn English. Because of this passion, I have recently made the decision to go back to school to get my masters In Curriculum & Instruction - ESL , and ELA. This will help me to become a better advocate for my students’ needs. My future goals are to graduate and pursue a career as a curriculum director for MLL students. I...