Chapter 6: Motivation to Learn


Gura, M. (2017). Make, learn, succeed: Building a culture of creativity in your school. Hawker Brownlow Education.

Lumsden, L. S. (1994, May 31). Student motivation to learn. Eric Digest. Student Motivation To Learn.

             ERIC Digest. Retrieved September 8, 2022, from 



  1. Jennifer, thank you for the information in your infographic. I can easily see the structure of your chapter, which comes after the one I focused on and helps me tie the entire concept together. When we meet as a professional learning community about shared students, we often focus on intentional non-learners who are unmotivated and disinterested in school. Your chapter seems to address the underlying issues that can stall or inspire student interest. As a learner, myself, I know that it is my beliefs, my point of motivation (internal or external), and my own desired outcomes that can shape my outlook. This is also true of my students. One question I have is where is the balance between Gura's idea to maintain motivation through a creative process and environment and my teaching just becoming a "form of entertainment" that has no benefit to content comprehension and retention.

    The infographic assignment would be interesting to those who like graphic design. This might be a stronger motivation to communicate their thoughts on a shared topic. It provides a method for personalizing the learning to one's own understanding and expression of knowledge. Great job! I like it when a post makes me think!


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